Unstop's Creative Hackathon

Registrations 28,208

Let's see, what Unstop's Creative Hackathon is all about?

Creative Hackathon, in collaboration with India’s most versatile creative house, Jio Creative Labs, is a chance for individuals with innovative and quirky ideas to create a mark and make their way into the powerhouse of good and memorable content. 

With 2 different tracks, namely, Strategy & Creative, we’re giving the ones with a creative bug to put on their thinking caps and make a mark with their quirky thinking. 

Eligibility criteria:

  • The Creative Hackathon is open to all! Irrespective of your college and field, if you’ve got a creative knack and can look at everyday things with a fresh perspective, then this is for you! 
  • Users must register in teams of 1 to 3 members.
  • Participants can choose either track or both for submission.

Strategy Track:

  • Submit a strategy to make Dishwashers a household necessity, akin to washing machines in a PowerPoint presentation with a maximum of 2-3 slides.

Creative Track:

  • Create a rap song or jingle for the Indian Premiere League.
  • submit in a video, PPT, or PDF format featuring the lyrics, theme, and potential execution.

What's in it for you?

Top candidates across both tracks will have the opportunity to earn the following rewards:

  • Each track will give students a chance to bag Pre-Placement Interviews (PPIs) ranging from INR 7 Lakhs - INR 10 Lakhs (via Glassdoor)
  • Summer Internship Programme with Jio Creative Labs in Mumbai for Students
  • Winner:  Rs. 1,00,000/- and Unstop Pro Subscription
  • 1st Runner Up: Rs. 50,000/- and Unstop Pro Subscription
  • 2nd Runner Up: Rs. 30,000/- and Unstop Pro Subscription
  • Top 4th-100th performer: Amazon Gift Vouchers: INR 1000 each (for the team) and Unstop Pro Subscription: Extended to all team members