CUET Political science


#Online Quiz
Application Deadline 2 years left
Team Size Individual Participation
Impressions 3,785

CUET Political science: Stages and Timelines


Do you think you know everything about Political Science for CUET? Test your knowledge of Political Science with a variety of levels. Can you ace them all and become a winner?

Start Date 27 Mar'24, 10:34 AM IST End Date 31 Dec'47, 10:34 AM IST


Do you think you know everything about Political Science for CUET? Test your knowledge of Political Science with a variety of levels. Can you ace them all and become a winner?

Start Date 27 Mar'24, 10:37 AM IST End Date 31 Dec'47, 10:37 AM IST


Do you think you know everything about Political Science for CUET? Test your knowledge of Political Science with a variety of levels. Can you ace them all and become a winner?

Start Date 27 Mar'24, 10:39 AM IST End Date 31 Dec'47, 10:39 AM IST

All that you need to know about CUET Political science

Students often view theoretical subjects as a last-minute task, hoping that a bit of cramming will do the trick. However, it's not as straightforward as they might think. Mixing up years and dates or jumbling agreements becomes a common pitfall.

This Political Science module is a comprehensive guide that will ensure you grasp all the essential concepts, from ASEAN to the Tashkent Agreement, Shimla Agreement, OEEC, the first Gulf War, and beyond. The aim is to provide you with the practice you need, making sure you have everything at your fingertips for the exam.

So, let's jump right into it. Good Luck!


  • Each mock test comprises 40 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) each.
  • The questions will be centered around the topics in Politics in India Since Independence, and Contemporary World Politics.
  • There's a negative marking for incorrect answers: (-1) marks for every incorrect answer and 5 for every correct answer.
  • After completing the test, you can review the solutions to identify your mistakes and improve your performance.
  • We will keep the questions up-to-date with the syllabus.

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